Ring My Bill: Expense splitter


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Calculate complicated group expenses with Ring My Bill!I’m an engineer, so I’m used to people expecting me to split bills for them mentally. And I don’t mind doing so—as long as the calculations are pretty straight forward.
But you don’t always get so lucky. Like at the year-end party I went to last year, which was when I decided to make this app. A had paid for borrowing the space, B and C had bought a few miscellaneous items, while D and E already had dinner which meant that we needed to factor that into the equation too…
With Ring My Bill, you could be Solomon in such circumstances.
At the party, I found that other calculating apps were too cumbersome, such as asking me to login or giving the app permission to access my contacts. Also, there was a processing delay of 2-3 seconds. Processors(CPUs) are supposed to be extremely good at computing numbers. I was sure that so many unnecessary things were going on inside those apps that I thought to myself, 'I could make a better one.' Thus began my (torturous) journey of creating Ring My Bill.
With Ring My Bill you will:- Be freed from persistent requests for you to login or for the app to access your private data.- Never see the ‘loading’ sign. Calculation results will be immediately displayed, even with complicated attendances with MULTIPLE events.
I hope this app will be useful for you. If you have any feedback, please let me know by clicking 'Send Feedback' from the menu at the top right hand corner. If you like this app, please spread the word! Because nothing makes a developer happier than a happy user. Thank you.